
PIDZ: The sale to a listed organization

The story of Ron and Fass from PIDZ

In 2008 Ron Simmer and Wichard Fassbender (Fass) started a care company. They were both active as healthcare professionals (zzp). It was a profession they practiced with passion and love from the very first day. But the organization and support could be much better than what was available at the time. A platform that would optimally connect healthcare institutions and healthcare professionals. This is how PIDZ came into being. PIDZ grew rapidly in 14 years. The organisation changed and also needed another type of entrepreneurship. Fass, now 57, also had other ambitions. Ron is in his early 40s and still wants to continue, but in his strength. Florijnz has guided them in their search for the best next step. Which party best suits the growth ambition and the DNA "connected by care"? This has led to a majority investment in the company by the listed Value8. This new step gives PIDZ the basis to develop further into the most important healthcare platform in the Netherlands for healthcare professionals.

Ron and Fass PIDZ presentation

How did the collaboration with Florijnz start?

We first spoke to Hans in 2018. At that time, the company was 10 years old and its second anniversary was near. PIDZ had grown rapidly. This was mainly due to being there early on and paying a lot of attention to local entrepreneurship through the franchise construction. The organization grew with the necessary challenges. Priorities did not yet lie in matters such as financial reporting and other organizational preconditions.

Florijnz advised and quickly introduced a financial professional who helped the organization in a short time to the necessary financial basis. No entrepreneur likes this kind of intervention, but from a certain size such steps are inevitable. The second-line management was also brought in more emphatically to lead the operation.

How did Florijnz help you?

It has been a long journey. The length of the process has Florijnz us in many cases well helped. It took much longer than planned, especially by COVID and the different views on how the future would unfold. But we have not asked for COVID, it happened to us. And that feeling has Florijnz well translated to the potential partners. Florijnz had strengthened itself for this project with the experience of Ronald Bobbe. And it was the addition of Hans and Ronald that gave us the feeling that we were receiving maximum support. And not least by Stef, a young recruit, who has done a lot of work and has made many financial analyses. Even when things got tense, Florijnz kept its promise and went for the best solution for the long term.

"Florijnz translated that feeling well to the potential partners."

Ron Simmer - Co-founder PIDZ

In early March 2020 we were ready to go into the market. The information memorandum was drafted by Florijnz. Furthermore, the advisors of Florijnz a longlist of the major investment companies in the Netherlands. The parties were selected based on DNA, sector knowledge, opportunities for development, buy & build experience and of course estimate the well-known "click". But then came COVID ...

We decided to enter the market anyway. During the first lockdown, online meetings via Teams were immediately used. This gave us an excellent opportunity to create a feeling for the information memorandum.

Why would you recommend Florijnz to others?

The involvement, the focus on the end result and the endless patience that we sometimes lacked. The consultants of Florijnz really feel like a constructive partner for such a process. It is more than just a project. They feel that perfectly. You really feel that personal involvement. What is good for the company? What is best for a sustainable transaction that everyone will look back on with satisfaction in the future? Within Florijnz we often talk about the law of advancing insight: changes due to developments of new insights and points of view. Florijnz understands this and acts accordingly.

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