
At Florijnz, we always strive for sustainable transactions. This is evidenced by the satisfaction of our clients over the past 10 years.

Sale of The Grabbelton

Childcare Sales

Sales of Coffee3


Sale of GTP

Engineering Sales

Sales of Online Academy

Software Sales

Sales of United Brands

Retail Sales

Sale of Lowland and De Graaff


Sale of The Bereboot

Childcare Sales

Purchase assistance for DIA Group

Purchase Engineering Business services

Sale of Plukkebol

Childcare Sales

Sales of The Breed & Partners

Sales Business services

Sales of Microfix

ICT Sales

Purchase Assistance Active Care

Purchase Care

Sale of The Kangaroo Apeldoorn

Childcare Sales

Appreciation Ramenfabriek op 't Hoog

Business valuation Production

Acquisition guidance for Security Management Group

Purchase Business services

Sales of Kivido

Childcare Sales

Sale of VM Logistics (BE)

Purchase Logistics Sales

Sales of Emma Solutions

ICT Sales

Sale of Campaign

Sales Business services

Sale of FVB the Farmer

Sales Business services

Sales of CijferMeester

Sales Business services

Sale of minority interest NDW

Production Sales

Sales of Advanced Mechanical Engineers

Engineering Production Sales

Sales of NBA Training

Carve out Sales Business services

Sales of PIDZ

Secondment Healthcare ICT Sales Care

Growth funding for Adchieve

Data Science Growth financing ICT Business services

Working capital for Pondres

E-commerce Growth financing ICT

Sales of 4Launch

E-commerce ICT Sales

Growth funding for Annadiva

E-commerce Growth financing Retail

Sales of Annadiva

E-commerce Retail Sales

Purchase assistance for Zanten

Purchase Retail

Growth funding for Bagpoint

Growth financing Business services

Sales of Chemconnection

Healthcare Sales Care

Sale of The Maple children's furniture

Production Sales

Sales preparation of Sunshine Retail

Sales Business services

Sales preparation for Screen Group

ICT Sales

Sale of Healthcentre El Futuro

Healthcare Sales

Sales preparation for KidsFoundation

Childcare Sales

Purchase assistance for KidsFoundation

Purchase Childcare

Carve-out guidance at Van Spaendonck Services

Carve out Business services

Carve-out guidance for Zuidzorg Foundation

Carve out Care

Purchase assistance for Different Doors

Purchase E-commerce

Growth funding for Noosa Amsterdam

E-commerce Growth financing

Sales of Steal IT

ICT Sales

Business valuation of Steal IT

Business valuation ICT

Restructuring of Syncasso

Restructuring Business services

Merger of Syncasso

Merger Business services

Sales of BLW Plastics

Production Sales

Business valuation of Huishoudelijk Hulp Pantein-Vivent

Business valuation Healthcare Care

Sales of van Loon Elektro

Installation industry Sales

Growth funding for Wood Industry schijndel

Growth financing Production

Sales of Leapp

E-commerce Retail Sales

Growth financing at Leapp

E-commerce Growth financing Retail

Management Buy Out at Modint Credit Services

Management buyout Business services

Working capital for 365 Energy

Growth financing Installation industry

Sale of 365 Energy

Installation industry Sales

Sales of BKB precision

Production Sales

Business valuation of BKB precision

Business valuation Production

Purchase assistance at Betabit

Purchase ICT

Purchase counseling for The Breed & Partners

Purchase Business services

Management Buy Out at The Breed & Partners

Management buyout Business services

Purchase guidance for Jeffcommerce

Purchase E-commerce

Growth funding for Jeffcommerce

E-commerce Growth financing

Sale of Amacom

E-commerce Sales

Business valuation for Amacom

Business valuation E-commerce

Sales of Koozzzi

E-commerce Sales

Sale of I'm

E-commerce Sales

Acquisition financing for Triodor

Purchase E-commerce Growth financing

Restructuring of Business Complete

Restructuring Business services

Purchase of Doxis

Purchase Business services

Sales of 4Orange

Data Science Sales Business services

Growth funding for Jeffcommerce

E-commerce Growth financing