
Florijnz specializes in realizing complex external financing for growth in particular to make acquisitions (acquisition financing). Whether your company is looking for growth capital or needs money for restructuring or for an acquisition, we help you find the best financing mix and structure.

Acquisition finance

For when additional funding is needed to realize an acquisition.

When buying a business, the right structure of financing is a decisive factor. In some cases, additional funding is needed. After signing the letter of intent, or LOI, and the book examination, that is the main challenge during the purchase process.

In addition to funneling through major banks, there are many options in the capital market. Depending on the financing size and form of financing, we can provide the right financing mix.

Growth financing

There are also numerous options for growth financing. The financing model must fit well with the company's growth objectives. This is something we discuss with the client at an early stage.

In many cases, obtaining growth financing also requires an investment memorandum. This is a detailed overview of all important data about the company. It offers potential investors a helping hand in determining the amount and risk profile of the financing.

The right funding mix

To find a good financing mix, Florijnz will search for the right equity and debt financiers for you. A complex process where various factors help determine the right mix. A well-founded investment and financing memorandum is crucial.

It is essential to speak the same language as the capital providers. Regardless of whether this is a financial institution or an investor. Our advisors speak the financier's language and translate your (financial) issue towards the financing parties.

We relieve you of this process so that the entrepreneur can continue to focus on the business.

Investment Memorandum

The investment memorandum is a document we prepare for potential investors. The investment memorandum basically contains all the information about a company that is relevant to a financier. The document provides a comprehensive understanding of the company.

Important elements of an investment memorandum include a description of the legal structure, of the business activities, information about the employees, financial information and the (financial) future prospects of the company.

Most investors consider financial information the most important part of the investment memorandum. Balance sheets, results and financial projections are all indispensable to an investor.

A good first impression

When obtaining financing, proper preparation is essential. It is common for the approached parties to ask questions based on your submitted financing memorandum. These questions can appear somewhat intimidating.

Our advisors speak the lender's language and help you prepare. In this way, together we ensure that you get your financing.

Contact us.

We are happy to meet with you to determine together which financing model is right for your business.

Marieke Klaassen van BeurdenPartner