Business valuation
What is your business worth?
Many entrepreneurs wonder what their business will yield. What the value of their business is. For several reasons, it can be interesting to have an independent business valuation done for this purpose.
If you want to sell, an advance valuation is recommended. A valuation can also help the entrepreneur in the event of a transfer within the family. We can also help if there is a legal dispute between shareholders, for example. Even then, an independent valuation on behalf of the company offers a solution or we can assist you as a party expert.

"A business valuation must be completely objective and transparent. Florijnz is affiliated with the NIRV and can therefore guarantee it."
NIRV is the Netherlands Institute of Chartered Valuators.
Value drivers
We use evidence-based calculation models to determine the value drivers within your business. These largely determine the market value of your company. A business valuation helps you understand how you can steer towards higher returns with greater social value.
"The sales process from start to finish took a total of 3 months, both buyer and seller wanted a quick process."